Team Profile:
Vega Squadron is one of the leading multigaming eSports organizations of Russian and CIS region. Started as a Starcraft team it turned into a big organization with rosters in League of Legends, Dota 2 and CS:GO. Vega Squadron is well-known for their approach to the squads which are built in a very friendly environment and with future perspectives kept in mind. Vega is also famous for their fans who always support their tag no matter what discipline that is.
Dota 2:
- ESL One New York 2015 1st place
- We Play League Season 3 2nd place
- ESL One Frankfurt 2016 3rd place
- Global eSports Cup 3rd place
League of Legends:
- LCL Summer Split 2016 2nd place
- LCL Open Cup 2016 2nd place
- LCL Spring Split 2016 3rd place
- CIS Minor Championship 2017 1st place
- UCC Cup Season 2 1st place